There are a few things that pastors can count on the Sunday after Easter.
The sermon will be about Thomas. It is the text EVERY year the week after Easter.
The crowds will be much smaller!
Well, I can promise you number 1! Thomas is making his yearly appearance Sunday.
I just hope you will prove us all wrong about number 2! Come and join us as we continue to remember the Easter story. It isn’t a one-day event you know!
While I have your attention, I want to thank everyone who helped make our Holy Week services so memorable. To Paula, the choir, the band, the soloists—you made such a difference. To Cheryl Cottingham who added her voice to our reading every night! And to you who showed up, walking with us every step of the way. You made this a Holy Week I will never forget!
Remember. We will see you Sunday!
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Welcome to the virtual home of Kernersville Moravian Church! We are glad you are visiting with us!
That is a different kind of welcome! It wasn’t that long ago that a “virtual welcome” was an unknown term, but now so much of our world is spent virtually! We get our news online, watch movies online, communicate with our children and grandchildren online. So we want to use this medium to communicate with you, to let you know what is going on at our church, to give you an opportunity to worship with us, to assist you whenever and however we can.
Many times people ask, who are Moravians? Well, the Moravian Church traces our roots before the Protestant Reformation. We believe in the priesthood of all believers, the importance of education, and the need for social justice. We are also known for their strong missionary work. We founded the first Protestant school in the Americas, and they have been instrumental in the development of music education. The Moravians have also been involved in many social justice movements, such as the abolition of slavery and the fight for women's rights.
That is who we have been, but no we are moving into a wonderful hopeful future. We continue our social justice work through Bethany Cafe, providing a meal to those in our community in need. We have a strong music program with our band, our choirs for all ages. We seek to provide worship that is open and welcoming to all.
That is some of who we are, but the best way to know about us is to come and experience us in person. Our worship service begins at 10:00 Sunday morning with childcare provided.
If there are other questions you have, or if there is a way we can be of service to you please let me know. You can email me at
I look forward to seeing you soon!